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Privacy Policy

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enquiries MON-FRI 8:30am – 5pm AEST

Your privacy is important to Us. Our Privacy Policy explains in general terms how We collect, use and protect your personal information in line with the Australian Privacy Principles.

We endeavour to maintain a Privacy Policy that is transparent, accountable and offers choice regarding the collection and use of your personal information. If you have questions or complaints regarding Our Privacy Policy or practices, see Our contact details at the end of this document.

Some Definitions used in Our Privacy Policy

In Our Privacy Policy, the terms:

a) “We”, “Us”, “Our”, “Absolute Domestics” and “Company” refers to Absolute Domestics Pty Ltd, Abdom Holdings Pty Ltd, Absolute Domestic Cleaning Pty Ltd, Clean Homes Pty Ltd and My Cleaner Pty Ltd and shall include entities related to or associated with Us, any successor or assignee company.

b) “client” or “customer” refers to an individual that obtains cleaning services from Us.

c) “registered service provider” refers to an individual registered with Us to provide cleaning or domestic services to a customer.

d) “service” and “services” refers to the introduction or placement of a registered service provider on request by a customer and the domestic cleaning services that are subsequently carried out for a customer by a registered service provider.

e) “you” means any person who or on behalf whom this policy is being read, who provides personal information to Us, or whose information We collect.

f) “Website” refers to the website hosted at the domain absolutedomestics.com.auwww.cleanhomes.com.au or other websites nominated by Us.

g) “Personal Information” means information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion and includes any further Personal Information that We obtain as a result of any continuing contact or when receiving services or by the provision of services and shall include the Sensitive information.

h) Sensitive Information is Personal Information which includes information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinion or association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association or trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record, biometric information, genetic information or health information.

Information You Provide to Us

When you communicate by phone, send Us an email, send information to Us through Our Website, or write to Us, you provide Us with information that We may collect, store and use. Details of the types of information collected are set out in Our Collection Notification Statement, available on Our website. We will not disclose or refer to you by use of any Government identifiers unless We are required to do so by law. We will not ordinarily seek to collect Sensitive Information (such as a data relating to your race, ethnic origin, religious belief, political preference, criminal record, physical or mental health or sexual orientation) from you for reasons other than those disclosed above. If it is necessary for Us to collect such information, We will obtain your consent.

However, you acknowledge that We may obtain such information from you inadvertently, including via photographs or other records which may be provided to Us.

By providing Us with this information, you consent to your Personal Information (including Sensitive Information) being collected, stored, used and disclosed by Us and Our associates in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Other Information We Receive and Store

When you visit Our Website, We may store “cookies” on your computer.

Further detail of the way in which We may hold and use data and cookies is set out in the Data and Cookies policy available on Our Website.

Tracking Emails to Our Customers & Registered Service Providers

When We send group emails to a selected group such as an email containing a newsletter, We sometimes track who opened email and hyperlinks. We do this to measure the performance of Our Email Campaigns and to improve Our response.

You do not have to provide Us with any Personal Information if you are a visitor to Our Website and you may choose to remain anonymous or to provide Us with a pseudonym if you do not wish to reveal your identity. However, you should be aware that by remaining anonymous or by providing a pseudonym, We may be unable to provide services to you or Our ability to do so may be affected or limited. We may also be unable to respond to any request, particularly if We have a concern in relation to the dissemination of information to an unknown party.

Information from Other Sources

Unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so, We will collect your Personal Information directly from you. Sometimes We may have information provided by others or it may be necessary for Us to collect your Personal Information from a third party or from a publically available source. We will only collect Personal Information in that way where We are permitted to do so under the Act. Where Personal Information is collected from another party, We will take reasonable steps to inform you, at or as soon as possible after collection. We may obtain additional information about you by independent means, such as social media websites.

If you provide Us with someone else’s information, you should only so do where you have their authority or consent. You should also take reasonable steps to inform them of the disclosure and of the matters set out in this Privacy Policy.

Our website may include links to 3rd party websites. If you chooses to access those websites (even via link) you will be subject to their terms, including their privacy policy. We do not endorse or accept any other website by providing a link to it.

Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

The main purposes for which we collect Personal Information are:

  1. Promote the use, including initial and continuing use, of Our services. For example, if you leave your Personal Information when you visit Our Website, email Us or contact Us by phone and do not book any of Our services, We may send you one or more emails asking if you wish to receive a service. If you use any of Our services, and may benefit from using one or more other services We offer, We may send you an email telling you about the other service or services.
  2. For administration and management services.
  3. To bill and collect sums owed to Us by you. Uses for this purpose include sending you emails, invoices, receipts, account reminders and notices, to alert you if We need a different credit card number and to otherwise collect money owed. We use third parties to handle secure credit card transaction processing, who maintain all Personal Information in confidence, to process your orders and credit card payments.
  4. To send you SMS, email or other forms of message to let you know about temporary or permanent changes that may affect Our services and to notify you of changes to Our Privacy Policy, service arrangements, documents and agreements.
  5. For recruitment and employment purposes including expressions of interest in working for Us.
  6. In relation to applications for employment which may include the collection of Sensitive Information (such as police record), which you consent to Us collecting solely in relation to your employment.
  7. To help implement and maintain compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the use of Our services for Our customers or the Terms and Conditions of Registration for registered service providers.
  8. To provide customer support and obtain feedback.
  9. We may, from time to time, send marketing information to you which may include special offers, discount vouchers, information about new products and so on. If you do not wish to receive this information please contact Us and advise Us and we will remove you from Our mailing list. Our ‘Opt out’ contact is set out at the end of this Privacy Policy.
  10. To protect the rights and safety including pandemic wellbeing of Us, Our customers, registered service providers, agents and others.
  11. As a registered service provider, consent to Us disclosing your Personal Information to those to whom you provide a service and only to the extent needed to facilitate the service. You also consent to Us providing your personal information and to obtaining further information from 3rd parties (such as police checks and credit history) in the manner detailed in this Privacy Policy.
  12. As a customer you consent to Us providing such of your personal information to Our related entities or a registered service provider as is necessary to enable them to perform the services.
  13. We will only collect your Personal Information where it is reasonably necessary to enable Us to undertake one or more of Our activities.

Security of Personal Information

We will take reasonable commercial measures to ensure the security of your Personal Information, whether kept in electronic form or hard copy.

We use a range of physical and electronic procedures to ensure the privacy of your Personal Information is safeguarded. These include restricting physical access to Our offices and maintaining a secure computer system and database.

Our servers are protected by password, propriety software, firewalls, lock and key and other security measures.

Password protected access levels and user privileges limit access to your electronically stored personal information. This means that a user will only have access to your Personal Information that is necessary to carry out their work. Hard copy records are shredded and disposed of by secure means.

Our employees and service providers are obliged to respect and maintain the confidentiality of any personal information held by Us.

However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be secure and you acknowledge and accept that risk in engaging with Us.

We Safe Guard Your Personal Information

We do not sell, lend or trade your Personal Information to third parties. We do not provide your Personal Information to third parties so that those third parties can directly market their goods or services to you without your consent.

We sometimes employ marketing companies or computer programmers to carry out work for Us and they may have access to your Personal Information. They are only permitted to use your Personal Information for the purpose of carrying out the work that We have contracted them to do and for no other purpose. They are not permitted to retain any records of your Personal Information.

Like many organisations, We utilize cloud services technology. Our servers remain in Australia, but those of some of Our cloud service providers may be located offshore. Although those services transmit data, they do not disclose data and We do not provide your personal information to any overseas person or entity. We will inform you if Our practices change in relation to those matters.

Notice of Breach of Security

We will notify you, as soon as possible, if a breach in security results in an unauthorized intrusion into Our system that materially affects you and will subsequently report the corrective action taken in response to the intrusion. Specifically, We will comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act in the event of an occurrence of a notifiable data breach to the Privacy Commissioner.

Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, We will:

a) Take all reasonable steps to recover or otherwise secure your personal information;

b) Limit access to your personal information;

c) Minimise the risk of harm; and

d) Take such other steps as We may decide would be prudent for Us to take in the circumstances.

We will also notify you of any breach in the event that We, acting reasonably, form the view that the breach is likely to result in any serious harm.

Notification of Changes

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted to Our Website and will become effective at the time the changes are posted.

You accept the terms of Our revised Privacy Policy when you engage with Us in any manner after those changes have been made.

Accuracy of Data and Your Rights to Make Changes

Where We obtain any data as a result of your use of Our Website or through other information which you provide to Us you acknowledge that We will own the data and any rights which may subsist in it. Such data will normally be collected in aggregated form and not contain personal information which would otherwise identify you. For more information relating to the collection of data, please see our Cookie and Data policy on our website.

We do our best to keep your details accurate and up-to-date. To do this, it is necessary for you to provide Us with timely information. If your data changes, then you should notify Us of those changes so that we can keep your records up-to-date. If you believe that any Personal Information which we have collected about you is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date please contact Us and We will take all reasonable steps to correct it in accordance with the Privacy Act.

We retain your personal information only for so long as reasonably required to meet the purposes for which We have the right to use the information. We will give you access to any of your Personal Information that We hold about you as quickly as possible and within thirty days of any request you make for such information. We may charge for providing this information to you, if permitted by law. In some circumstances We may refuse to give you access to Personal Information and in those circumstances We will explain why.

Access may be denied for reasons including those below:

  • We reasonably believe that giving the information would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual or to public health and safety;
  • providing access would create an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
  • the request is frivolous or vexatious;
  • the request relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings and is not available by the process of discovery;
  • providing access would prejudice negotiations with the individual making the request by revealing our intention;
  • access would be unlawful;
  • denial of access is authorised or required by law;
  • access would prejudice enforcement related activities of an enforcement body;
  • access would reveal evaluative information of “a commercially sensitive”, decision making process or information; or
  • any other reason that is provided for in the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) or the Privacy Act.

Credit related information

Where We provide services to you on credit (that is, where you will pay for those services after We start providing them to you), We may be a credit provider for the purposes of the Privacy Act.

We may collect, hold and use certain credit related information about you. We will generally only obtain this information from you. We do not collect or exchange information with credit reporting bodies and other credit providers. We use credit related information to assist Us in determining whether We will provide or continue to provide services to you on credit and to manage Our relationship with you.

Unless otherwise required by law, We only disclose your credit related information to third parties in limited circumstances permitted by the Privacy Act.

We may disclose your credit related information to parties that provide credit related services to Us such as debt collectors, credit management agencies, advisers and Our agents. We may also disclose your credit related information to a third party that you or We request act as a guarantor in relation to any credit provided to you, or as required by law or the order of a court or tribunal.

How you can access and/or amend your credit related information

You may request access to any credit related information that We hold about you and/or request that We correct any credit related information that We hold about you. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 days (or such longer period as you may agree).

If We correct credit related information that We hold about you without you first making a correction request, We will take reasonable steps to notify that correction to you.

You may complain about any failure by Us to comply with Part IIIA of the Privacy Act or the Credit Reporting Code. If your complaint relates to Our failure to provide access to or to correct any credit related information that We hold about you, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. If your complaint does not relate to these matters, you must first lodge a complaint with Us in accordance with the procedure set out in this Privacy Policy, which sets out how We will deal with such complaints.

We reserve our Rights.

We reserve the right to disclose or use information as permitted by the Privacy Act in circumstances other than those set out in this Privacy Policy.

Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective with respect to all Personal Information that We have collected to date.

Our Contact details

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns or wish to update, delete or change any Personal Information submitted to Us, or have any questions about Our Privacy Policy, please notify Us through postal mail at:

The Privacy Policy Manager

Absolute Domestics

PO Box 3352

Victoria Point West

Victoria Point, Queensland 4165

Phone 1300 364 646

Fax 07 3488-9911

Email [email protected]

Or, you can use Our Contact Form on Our Website to email Us.